Star Wisp Apothecary
A special thanks and shoutout to all who helped provide images, you know who you are! <3
Fey is like finding shade under a willow tree by a calm pond. We are a place for the shy and introverted who are still looking to join a community of like-minded persons. Fey is meant to be a relaxing, laid-back FC place where people don't have to feel the pressure of being in an overly large FC but still wish to be able to join a community and make friends if they wish. We offer RP and content, which you can find listed below. Our official RP is centered around being an Apothecary & Brewery run by E'lowen and K'row that serves to provide medical supplies to the mercenary core of Stardust Keep as we are a sister FC to them. E'lowen is the Potions Master that helps handle customers and filling orders while K'row manages the books and inventory behind the scenes...behind a desk that might be full of books. Bigger RP plots will be hosted by Stardust, while Fey focuses more on casual RP. We are lore compliant in our RP. In an effort to remain small and promote a relaxed environment we have a cap on membership, we will not grow beyond 50 members. Our active member count reflects this policy, and we are a 'what you see, is what you get' in regards to 'How many active members do you have?'. Due to being a sister FC to Stardust Keep, we have access to the events they run, but they are not required for the membership of Fey.
Under Construction
General Rules
1) Star Wisp Members are required to maintain membership in the Discord server.
Discord is the social & administrative backbone of -FEY-; for this reason, membership is mandatory. If you do not wish to be part of this then we will be more than happy to find you an alternative FC. We do not make many announcements, do not mute the announcement channel.2) Do NOT Ping Administration directly via @mentions, DM, or tells.
Responding to something said via the reply feature is acceptable, so long as it is relevant to what is being discussed. If you have a question or concern for the administration team, this can be posted in the 'questions for admin' channel or submitted via a Concerns/Grievance form found in the 'forms and applications channel' & an admin will contact you or respond accordingly. An emergency can be defined as the following:- Imminent threat of harm to -FEY- or STAR members or FC Property
- Third party threats to -FEY- or STAR in-game (Example: AoE Griefing on FC grounds)3) Adhere to Proper escalation for any issues
In order to help things run smoothly, -FEY- operates with the following escalation structure. As such if an issue arises please open a support ticket under 'admin-contact' in the Help Center for your concern to be addressed. Blowing things up in general or FC chat is not acceptable.4) Be courteous to your fellow members. Defamation of another intentional or by omission is not allowed.
This is common sense, any gaslighting, hate speech, bullying, or behavior found to be offensive is not allowed. If it's probably not nice, it probably should not be said.5) Keep all political/heavily religious talk to DMs. This extends to the FC Chat & associated linkshells.
Please note we will not monitor or get involved in private DM conversations between members regarding this matter. Should you wish to engage another in this matter you are responsible for moderating your own emotions on the matter being discussed.6) Any issues that arise should be dealt with privately between the parties involved & the officers handling it.
In short, do not bring it up in FC chat or intentionally cause drama. Doing so is a good way to be removed.7) While this is a 18+ server do not post pornography / pornographic links, anything illicit or illegal.
The exception to this is the NSFW category, however please note this category has its own rules regarding conduct & what can be posted.8) Please keep channels on topic in the discord server as much as possible. If an admin requests it be moved, move to the referenced channel.
To this extent, please take time to familiarize yourself with our channels, most have a brief description & important information pinned.9) Don't advertise for other websites or services in the discord server. Sharing your deviantart, or patreon if requested by another member is fine. Advertising is not permitted in general channels or in game.
If you wish to advertise a venue or RP event please contact an RP officer (this is an exception to the direct DM rule). Please note we do not allow advertising of content only events or Adult venues.10) Seidr & Liddy are not available on Mondays. K'row is not available on Saturdays.
Admin have put a ton of time into building this FC & take these days to relax from the duties of running the FC. Do not contact either during this time regarding FC matters.11) Please notify Admin via an admin contact ticket should you decide to leave the FC.
This is for record keeping purposes and helps identify any shortcomings we may be able to work on in the future. You will not be pressured into staying as this is for our information only. Failure to do so will result in your permanent removal from this discord.
Roleplaying Rules
1) All Characters taking part in FC plot must be approved & Lore Compliant
Simply put, we have an extensive character workshop to help you brainstorm if need be, but all characters participating in the FC's cannon story must be approved. In the event a character is extremely lore breaking a suggestion of a separate profile may be made. We do not care what you do in your own RP stories, but all FC RPs must be lore-compliant.2) Keep IC & OOC Separate
What happens in character does not reflect the views of the player. Know this difference. In character (IC) interactions do not constitute relationships or views of the player outside of their character (OOC aka RL views). Bottom Line, the FC is not a dating service and FF is not real life.3) No God-modding, Meta-gaming, Etc
Don't use OOC knowledge your character wouldn't know in RP. Don't auto-hit others, be invincible, etc etc. If you are corrected by an admin on this please take this as a learning opportunity to improve your RP.4) Consent should always be used, and requested, for OOC and IC situations that involve any overly dark or mature themes. No means No
If you are unsure if people are okay with something, you should ask. This applies for OOC and IC interaction with potentially sensitive situations. If you are uncomfortable with something, tell them directly to stop and the other party is expected to stop. No means no and we expect it to be honored if someone tells you no.5) Do not be offended if the RP does not go as you intended
While some try to plan, many RPers react specifically with how their character would. If your character says or does something that derails the scene from what was planned, roll with it rather than getting upset your idea didn't work.6) IC Actions = IC Consequences
Draw a weapon on someone? Expect potential retaliation and/or calling of the local city's guards if you're in one of the city hubs. Aka Play stupid games, win stupid prizes...If in doubt, ask would someone realistically do this in the real world, and if so what are the potential outcomes?7) No Erotic Roleplay (ERP) in public or soliciting ERP in FC channels
If you're gonna do the do, do it in party chat and inside a house/room behind a locked door. Sexual conduct is not allowed inside public areas of the FC or its channels/linkshells.8) Respect the Star Wisp Venue
Our FC house is an open public venue open 24/7. While in the FC respect your fellow RPers by refraining from spamming AoEs, Overuse of Mounts, etc.9) All RP on Star Wisp & Stardust grounds is Public RP
In short, if you are using our venue for RP, or a room within you are expected to be using /em to provide a conducive and welcoming environment. Cliques are not tolerated within Stardust and RP on our grounds is open for all approved members to join.10) Administration has final determination for lore within the FC plot
The game lore changes, as such we strive to stay up to date however there are some things that are restricted (Fantasia, Voidsent, Echo, etc). -FEY- admin has final say of what is allowed in our FC canon and what is not regardless of what other FCs may allow in theirs. Example: Fantasia does not exist in lore, if you fanta please bring it up to an RP officer and most likely it will be a 'They have always been that' type scenario. Voidsent anything be prepared for extensive questioning due to the nature of such.11) Some classes are restricted or do not require a Soul Stone
Soul Stones are rare, some excessively so. Please view the channel in the workshop for an explanation of RP restricted classes and suggestions if in doubt regarding your desired class or stone availability
The Team
K'row Kimera
FC Lead
{The Book Keeper}
E'lowen Sol
{Potions Master}
Stardust Keep
Under Construction